Silt Fencing | Overland Park, KS

Overland Park | Silt Fencing

We installed silt fence & straw matting to protect a ditch in Overland Park, KS. The project was located at the Ironwoods subdivision on 151st & Mission.

The ditch, located next to the street, collects most of the water from the subdivision and creates a major run off situation during rain events. So, the developer, Saul Ellis wanted to protect this ditch from eroding during rains.

The matting is designed to hold the dirt together as water runs across it and keep it from eroding away. The matting used on this project is made by U.S. Erosion Control Products 2S-PN8. It is comprised of 100% agricultural cured straw between 2 layers of polypropylene netting. The double net matting is secured to the ground with staples.

A standard mix of fescue & rye seed, along with fertilizer was spread on the ground prior to the installation of the matting.

The silt fence is designed to keep the dirt in the surrounding areas from eroding into the ditch.

We installed the silt fence using a standard trencher, and embedding the pre-fabricated silt fence into a 6″ deep trench. The trench was then backfilled and tamped to secure the fabric into the ground. 2″ x 2″ wood stakes were placed every 4′ o.c. per the engineer recommendations and erosion control plan.