French Drain | Spring Hill

Spring Hill, KS | Surface Water Management

PROBLEM: We were contacted by a homeowner in Spring Hill, Kansas to address a water problem in their yard. The problem was created by the next door neighbor, on the uphill side of them. This neighbor had installed a French Drain to address standing water problems in their yard. The French Drain terminated into a bubble box that let the water out into our customers yard.

SOLUTION: Connect on to the neighbors French Drain, and extend that water through a solid drain pipe under the ground. Our customer happened to have a sewer storm drain box on the other end of the property. So, we terminated this pipe into the side of this storm sewer box.

If you look closely at the picture with our crewman working in the orange shirt at the end of the installation, he is at the storm sewer box that we used to drain all of the water into.